- Login Admin

Para acessar a página de administração, digite na barra de endereços do seu navegador ou clique no link abaixo.

Com base no seu endereço IP local, este deve ser o endereço IP de administração do seu roteador. Isso só é válido se você estiver na mesma rede que o seu roteador Wi-Fi.

How to Access the Router Admin Page at

Next, this would provide how to log in to the admin panel of the router at, through some pretty simple steps, in order to change some settings and configure network preferences. Ensure you are connected to the network provided by the router.

How to Access Router Admin at

Open your preferred web browser.

In the address bar, type and press Enter.

On the login page, enter the default username and password if you haven’t customized these credentials.

After successful login, you will access the admin panel where you can modify settings, change Wi-Fi passwords, and manage network configurations.

If you experience issues accessing the admin page at, check your network connection or refer to the router’s manual for troubleshooting tips.


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